OHLA chicas

Friday, December 31, 2010

new year

bahahahahahaha, 4 those u ov u who followed me as EVERYTHING is dunked in crazy chocolate, well, yes this is still my blog i hav totally just re-designed everything, again. I vowe that this will be my last change over for the year.
have good one loveley's and keep sharing

Thursday, December 30, 2010


hey bloggers
after watching sum video's from Lily's blog (she writes lymrs, idk how 2 spell it, check my blog list) i hav decided that if i don't hav a photographer to take my pics i will make some style diaries the old way, a Kodak camera sitting on top of my new flatscreens platform, filming me in my room. sooo hopefully i can get my mum to upload my new video tomorrow or the day after, or maybe even tonight, it is actually nerve racking filming yourself and its even funnier to watch me, so i am asking, no wait, wait, pleading that you could ignore my voice and just watch, turn off your speakers and just watch, I have included a sweet little pic with this entry to keep you amused until i can upload the vid's

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

yeah nan my boyfriend sparkles in the light, its just something he does, he may sparkle, but I shine

any minute now something i say is going to scare you off, you'll be running down the drive way like a mad lady

cute as, i found these pics on another site

Having no pocket money 4 the holidays kinda suks but seeing as though i can't afford the juicy couture scents i can still lust after the advertisements and samle papers. I love the porcelain look-a-likes but my favourite would be with the pink zebra.
xx <3
p.s: comment and tell me what is ur favourite perfume ads, runner up to me is the Dior girl with the bottle and balloons. :p

blog hunting

i was blog hunting threw my blog list in my personal planner wit my highlighter goin through every blog i ever followed or took an interest in, i found a few dull, most of the shop sites that i regularly visit and three out of 37 that i kept track of through the past year. So here they are
from there brand coco sisco, my luv 4 paris and audrey hepburn will never die. <3

sassandbide.com-stylish and extremely aussie summer stylin just what i need 4 our hot summer this year. <3
the streethearts.com- basically some ppl that go around the streets and take pics of all of the HOTTEST looks.
I recommend all of these sites to you, if u enjoy something different.
xxxx <3


http://lulusewsews.tumblr.com/page/3  i found this blog while on lookbook and it is full ov wikked pictures, i find these sooo cute and a little wild. Its a tumblr blog so its full ov ah-mazing pictures that the creator like.

Friday, December 3, 2010

designer to check out-3rd of december

check it out:
Alice McCall.
google her please to see her amazing-ness


I found polyvore at the beginning of the year and thought it was a great way for people to put together looks, even though i never got around to getting an account myself. You can upload your own clothing items, texts, pics whatever onto your polyvore page and then share it with everyone. you would have no idea how many people post lady gaga and katy perry notes :p
check it out for some fun and shopping